Preventive Dentistry
in San Diego

Get your little one on the right path towards a lifetime of healthy smiles with pediatric dental care at our office. With a focus on prevention and education, our team of experts can help ensure your child's mouth is disease free and developing properly. With conservative techniques and a caring approach, pediatric dentistry at our office can keep your child healthy, so they can focus on what they do best: being a kid!

Preventive Dentistry

Cleanings & Exams

Just as for adults, routine dental check-ups and cleanings for kids are important. Our friendly dental team will ensure your child's teeth and gums are clean and healthy. We examine their mouth and take any necessary x-rays to catch any potential tooth troubles. These visits are a great time to chat about what to expect as your child's smile grows, including tips for oral care at home and food choices that can help keep their teeth strong and bright.

Preventive Dentistry

Silver Diamine Fluoride

When a pesky cavity develops up in your child's teeth, Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) might come to the rescue! This kid-friendly procedure is quick, pain-free, and doesn't involve any drills or shots. It's like painting a superhero shield on their tooth that fights off decay-causing bacteria and strengthens their tooth. So, if your child has a cavity, fillings aren't always the only heroes in town!

Preventive Dentistry

Digital X-Rays

Typically, x-rays are recommended based on each child's individual needs. Digital x-rays, a quick and efficient method for capturing images of your child's dental health, are taken when deemed necessary by the dentist. We will determine your child's need for x-rays depending on their cavities risk, or if there is something we need to keep an eye on.

Preventive Dentistry

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are like invisible tooth protectors! We apply a clear, safe resin on your child's teeth that hardens under a special light. This acts like a shield over the grooves in the teeth, which helps keep away cavity-causing bacteria and food particles. This simple and quick treatment is especially great for back molar teeth, where cavities are most likely to form.

Preventive Dentistry

Oral Cancer Screenings

Yes, even kids need oral cancer screenings! This quick and safe check can be done without your child even noticing. Our dental team will take a good look at your child's mouth, gums, tongue, and oral tissues for any abnormalities. If we spot something out of the ordinary, we'll guide you through the next steps. Regular dental visits can help us ensure your child's entire mouth is healthy! 

Preventive Dentistry

Nutritional Counseling

We believe in a "whole health" approach, which includes yummy, healthy food choices. It's not always easy to change eating habits, but it's definitely worth it. Eating well benefits not only your child's smile but also their overall well being. Let us help guide you in creating tooth-friendly menus that the whole family will love!

Preventive Dentistry

Oral Habits

Good habits establish a strong foundation for a lifetime of proper oral health care. With our education and compassionate care, we will guide your child to build healthy dental habits that will last a lifetime.

Preventive Dentistry

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments offer a simple, non-invasive way to prevent dental decay. After your child's cleaning, a fluoride-rich gel or varnish is applied, followed by a short period of no food or drinks. Fluoride initiates a process called “remineralization" in the enamel, which aids in keeping the teeth strong and preventing cavities.

Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric Emergencies

In dental emergencies involving children, acting swiftly is vital. Quick and appropriate care is essential not only for their recovery, but also for alleviating their pain and discomfort. Whether it is a toothache, a broken or chipped tooth, or any other urgent dental issue, rest assured we are prepared to assist. Uncertain whether your child's situation qualifies as an emergency? Please don't hesitate in contacting us. Our experienced team is ready to evaluate the issue, provide immediate guidance for care at home, and arrange a prompt appointment if needed. We're dedicated to helping your child return to their joyful, worry-free self as soon as possible.

Preventive Dentistry

Special Needs Care

We want every child to feel welcome and every parent to feel assured that their kid is in capable hands. When you come to our practice, you can rest easy knowing we have knowledge and expertise in helping children with special needs. For kids with sensory sensitivity, Autism, and a variety of other special health care needs, we are equipped and trained in providing the care they need. Get in touch today to see how we can accommodate you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

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Kid Getting their teeth checked

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