Restorative Dentistry
in San Diego

When it comes to ensuring your child's smile feels and functions at its absolute best, we've got you covered. From tackling smaller cavities with dental fillings to addressing larger ones with treatments such as baby root canals and crowns, our goal is to bring back the sparkle to your child's decayed or damaged teeth. With our comprehensive pediatric restorative care, you can reclaim your child's overall oral health, empowering them to eat, laugh, and grow with unwavering confidence. Get ready to witness their smile shining like never before!

Restorative Dentistry

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Imagine your child's smile feeling and functioning at its absolute best. That's exactly what our dental fillings can do for them! Cavities are no joke, even if they're only present in those precious baby teeth. Dental fillings offer a relatively quick and simple solution to treat cavities in kids. By addressing those pesky cavities, we ensure your child's teeth stay healthy and disease-free. With our comprehensive pediatric restorative care, you can reclaim your child's overall oral health, allowing them to eat, laugh, and grow with confidence. So why wait? Schedule now and give your child the gift of a vibrant, cavity-free smile!

Restorative Dentistry


Is your child experiencing a toothache that just won't go away? It might be a sign that there's a deeper cavity that reached the nerve. Our pulpotomy procedure can alleviate their discomfort in a single visit. Think of a pulpotomy as a "baby root canal" that stops the infection in its tracks. By completing this treatment, we can restore your little one's oral health and bring back their bright smile, allowing them to continue enjoying all the laughter and carefree moments of childhood.

Restorative Dentistry

Tooth Extractions

When it comes to restoring your child's smile, we always explore alternative treatments before considering tooth extractions. Our primary focus is to preserve and restore damaged teeth through various other treatments. However, sometimes teeth have reached a point where they cannot be saved either due to a large cavity, infection, or impaction. Rest assured, we prioritize your child's comfort and use gentle techniques and sedation options to make the extraction process as quick and pain-free as possible. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a bright, healthy smile!

Restorative Dentistry

Stainless Steel Crowns

We know that your child being happy and healthy is the most important, and when they get little bumps in the road, it can be scary! If your child is in need of a solution for damaged or decayed teeth, pediatric dental crowns are here to save the day. If there is a cavity that has become too large for a dental filling, a full coverage crown may be the right choice. Crowns provide excellent, long-lasting protection that restore and protect the tooth.

Restorative Dentistry

Tooth-Colored Crowns

Another crown option to consider is an esthetic, tooth-colored restoration that combines durability with superior flexibility. These hybrid "white" crowns offer a natural-looking yet durable solution that can be a great choice in many cases. Our team will work closely with you to determine the ideal crown material and design based on your child's unique needs and preferences.

Restorative Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide

Is your child having trouble staying still at the dentist? Do they get anxious about dental visits? Our sedation methods can help calm restlessness and anxiety, making sure your child gets the dental care they need without fear or stress. Nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas," can safely help your child stay calm and comfortable during a dental procedure. There are minimal side effects and the gas wears off in just minutes! This will help ensure your child maintains a positive attitude attitude towards dental care and oral health, and their dental appointments! If you think nitrous oxide sedation might help your child, let us know. We'll include it in their treatment plan.

Restorative Dentistry

IV Sedation

Coming soon!

During this type of sedation, we work closely with a team of trained anesthesiologists who administer sedative medications intravenously. This approach is considered very safe and effective, allowing us to provide comprehensive treatment for patients who may have severe dental anxiety, complex oral health needs, behavioral/emotional challenges, or difficulty sitting still for extended periods of time. While IV sedation may not be suitable for every child, our team will carefully evaluate your child's unique situation to determine if this option is the best path forward for achieving a healthy, confident smile. We prioritize open communication with both parents and patients to ensure everyone is fully informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

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Kid Getting their teeth checked

We Love Healthy "Bay-By" Teeth At Bay Park!

Keep Them Smiling Bright