Infant Dentistry
in San Diego

Even tiny grins need some TLC! Set your baby’s smile up for a lifetime of thriving oral health with our specialized infant care.

Why should my baby see the dentist?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children see the dentist by their first birthday. Primary, or baby teeth, typically begin to erupt around 6 months of age. It’s important to have your infant’s mouth examined by a board-certified pediatric dentist to ensure their oral health habits are on the right track.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Your baby’s teeth started to develop before they were born.

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First Visits Under 3 Are Free!
Nutritional Guidance
Hygiene Tips

Set your little one's smile up for success with a complimentary visit!

The Benefits of Infant Dentistry

Establish A Dental Home

Fear and anxiety can occur when a toddler or child is unfamiliar with “going to the dentist." By starting appointments early, you and your baby can get comfortable in our office, learn about oral habits, and feel at ease knowing we are always here to provide quality care. Your children will grow with us.

Proper Nutrition Guidance

Dr. Gandhi and team will provide tips and recommendations on the best foods for your baby’s overall oral health. Our team will also go over important nutritional information, such as the negative effects of sugary drinks, gummy snacks, and putting a baby to sleep with milk in their bottle.

Dental Hygiene Supervision

Caring for your baby’s smile is a bit different than caring for your own! We understand that it can be tough to brush their teeth, especially if they do not enjoy it, but we will share strategies to make it easier! This will include toothbrush and paste recommendations, as well as techniques on positioning.

The Infant Dentistry Treatment Process

Meeting You & Your Child

Your dentist will begin your child’s first appointment by getting to know you and your little one a little better. Our team may ask a few basic questions about your child’s oral health, such as when their first teeth came in and their current oral care routine. This information will allow your doctor to provide more specialized care.

Counting Your Baby’s Teeth

Next, your child’s dentist will “count” your infant’s teeth and examine their mouths, looking for any potential signs of developmental issues or decay. This will provide you with insights on how your child’s mouth is developing and what is next to come.

Examining Their Gums

Your dentist will also examine your child’s gums. While abnormalities in the gums in infants is rare, inflammation and irritation can still occur, so it’s important to address these issues as soon as possible. Once the exam is finished, your dentist will discuss with you his findings and recommendations.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.
Infant DentistryPreventive Dentistry

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

When should my child see the dentist for the first time?

The current recommendation of the AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) is that you take your child to the dentist whenever their first tooth erupts or when they reach the age of 1, whichever happens first. While this may seem early, seeing a dentist regularly and establishing a “dental home” early has a great number of benefits.

Why is it important to establish a dental home?

A “dental home” is the dental office where your child will receive the majority of their dental care as they grow. Your child will be able to develop a real, meaningful relationship with their dentist, and with the staff at our office. This is where they will come for regular check up appointments, dental emergencies, and where all your questions will be answered. With regularity, they will feel more safe and comfortable during their appointments, and become more familiar with our office. This can help reduce feelings of discomfort, fear, and anxiety, and prevent them from developing dental anxiety later in life.

In addition, if your child sees the same dentist regularly, they will receive more productive dental care. Their pediatric dentist will understand the unique oral health issues that your child may face, and will be able to take steps to provide specialized care. For example, if your child is cavity-prone and develops tooth decay at a young age, their doctor may recommend a more diligent at-home oral care routine, along with regular fluoride treatments and/or dental sealants.

Are x-rays safe for toddlers?

Yes. X-rays are safe for children of all ages. The latest x-ray technology uses minimal radiation, and all patients are given protective equipment to reduce their exposure. That said, your toddler will only need to get x-rays if their dentist believes they may have a hidden dental issue that can’t be detected with a visual exam alone.

Why are baby teeth so important?

Baby teeth fall out naturally, so why is it so important to keep your child’s baby teeth healthy? Well, decayed and damaged baby teeth can be very painful and uncomfortable, and lead to serious oral health complications, just like adult teeth.

Maintaining healthy baby teeth is crucial for many reasons: facilitating proper chewing and nutrition, speech development, keeping space for permanent teeth to erupt in properly, preventing pain/infections, promoting good oral hygiene habits early, and boosting self-confidence.

Children getting a dental check

We Love Healthy "Bay-By" Teeth At Bay Park!

Keep Them Smiling Bright